05:59:58eldiosin order to have the outgoing invites mail work I had to set up the MAIL_URL variable inside /opt/sandstorm/sandstorm.conf .. which in my case was simply smtp:// since Postfix manage the rest
06:00:18eldiosso it seems like the SMTP_URL only takes care of the passwordless login apparently
06:57:50eldiosjparyani: I guess you can pass the voice to the rest of the team.. I presented SandStorm to my colleagues and they really appreciated it. So we now have an internal instance to play around with it at work
06:59:54eldioswill do. We also encourage giving back to the community projects we use the most, so if we end up using it consistently you may hear back from me or one of my colleagues from time to time.
08:58:35eldiossemms that the Scrumblr App is making my Linode VM go to kernel panic
08:58:52eldioslooks like there's a NULL pointer dereference issue somewhere in there
09:03:05eldioswell I'll check the answer in a few hours tomorrow morning. night all.
09:09:22zarvoxeldios: is your kernel version between 4.0.2 and 4.0.4, inclusive?
09:14:00kentonveldios: If you're between 4.0.2-4.0.4, there's a serious kernel bug caused by a botched backport (apparently). I would recommend not using those kernel version for anything (sandstorm or otherwise). Should be fixed in the next kernel point release, whenever that is. If you aren't on one of those versions, please file a bug against Sandstorm so we can investigate.